What is Entrepreneurial Freedom?

Hi people. Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory. And I wish to speak to you about something actually essential and specifically what is flexibility? And people talk about freedom all the time. It's our core value. It remains in our company name. It remains in our intro it's, or outro, it's our, it's our top of the list core value and freedom is among those things that implies various things to different people. So I wished to specify it at least as we see it for our fellow business owners. And so my short tried response is freedom is having the ability to do what you want, with who you desire, as typically as you want. Which's just partly true.

But what freedom actually is, is being able to choose every morning when you awaken, having the ability to be on point and on purpose, where function and enthusiasm truly come together and comprehending what that looks like. A lot of individuals think that freedom, they say, well, Robert, are you free? And I definitely specified myself as a free and sovereign man. They say, well, why are you doing Freedom Factory? Why did you do all these brokerages? Why are you doing the TV show on A&E and history? What's going on? And I think I define freedom differently than other individuals.

Some individuals that ask that concern, they believe that liberty indicates not doing anything. And the truth is, I'm up at my mountain home and it sure is beautiful and I like to come up here to get away and go fishing, but I couldn't do every day. I would be bored. And I would feel like if Robert fell in the forest, is it going to make a sound?

It's not what really drives me. I love to work. So when individuals consider liberty, they believe it's disconnecting from everything that they like so that it doesn't matter anymore. And in fact, I believe it's just the opposite. So when I consider freedom, I consider it. What is it that I need to do? What is it that I can not do? What drives me? If you think about it like an oxen, right? An oxygen driving a cart, pulling a cart, it's got this big yoke over its shoulders and individuals believe liberty. They just want to get all the yolks off of them. They want to fire their employer and they wish to fire their customers and they wanted to do this. Which's practically the reverse of what I see freedom as.

What I see freedom as is, what do I need to do. What do I wish to make with the rest of my productive life? What can I not do? What am I going to connect my yoke to? And so lots of business owners, they would come to me for seeking advice from and to sell their organisation and they 'd state, I have no idea how to do it. For me, it came down to who's my tribe? Well, it's individuals like us. It's the business owners on the planet, and what can I do for them? I can help them stick the landing and put resources and money and time in their pocket, and change not only their family and their own fate, however I can allow them to construct what it is that they discover most important.

As entrepreneurs, we're the builders and what is it that we require to do? And that to me is liberty. It's not how do I totally free myself of whatever and just float alone in the ether. It's how am I free to wake up and help my tribe every day? Now, if you have any questions on this or anything else, why do not you give us a call at Freedom Factory. And thank you a lot for investing your valuable time with me. Please strike like and subscribe. I'm Robert Hirsch. We'll see you soon.

Contact Freedom Factory

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone: 844-MAX-VALUE (844-629-8258)

Also Follow Freedom Factory here 

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